Wednesday, November 16, 2016

I Put the Pro in Procrastination

If you know me, you know that everything I do is done at the last possible minute. Everything from doing my makeup for the day to writing a paper. But this week I've hit the deep end. I have always been used to doing everything at the last minute so I wasn't surprised when my professor announced a project in October that wouldn't be due until November that I put it in the back of my mind. Now he would mention it here and there in class, but I wouldn't listen! I mean it wasn't due for weeks! Well big surprise when I went to class and my fellow students asked what my project looked like and when I told them I hadn't started they gave me the "Are you nuts?!" eyes. Yupp, it was due the next week. So last night I drug Shayla out to a 24hr McDonalds where she got her burgers and I got my 10 piece nuggets and we sat down and cracked these projects out. Shayla was also working on a class, although she was not procrastinating...she's all the way ahead into December (sure wish I had her motivation). It wasn't until 2:38 that we left McDonalds and headed back to the dorms where I spent another hour writing a bit more. Now here I am, today I have 1 quiz, 1 test, and a project that I still have 4 more things to do to. Lord have mercy on my soul and I PROMISE that next semester I will not let myself get this far behind.
