Friday, October 21, 2016

Plans Don't Always go as Planned

I'm a planner when it comes to everything but school. I can't seem to get my life organized when it comes to classes, when quizzes are, or when homework assignments are do. I don't even have a plan for most of the homework i get anyway. I often go to class and wing it, and so far its been working for me. I am however a great planner when it comes to group outings. I love the excitement of planning an event and inviting everyone, and just having the days agenda all up in my head. I'm sure Angelene gets annoyed with sometimes because I tell her my weekend plans just so I can hear myself say them out loud and also so she can catch any holes in the plan, which there sometimes are.

This weekend I am especially excited because its all about celebrating Halloween and anything to do with this spooky holiday gets me excited! And my friends from Wayne are coming, so that's pretty cool too. In the planning process I have taken upon myself to be the one to house everyone coming to visit, and by that I mean asked my mom if she could tell my dad that I have friends coming over. As a farmer during harvest season, (and because of the currently crappy bean/corn prices) my dad is not his most joyful self in the fall. I find it easier to ask my mom to tell him so that I don't get the backlash. Especially since this time there will be a total of 8 college students stuffed into out guest room basement. I insured my mother though that I would keep them as quiet as I can, which doesn't say much as I am usually the one that people have to hush in situations like this.

The original plan was to go camping Friday night after haunted housing and do what almost all college kids would do at an unsupervised camping site: fish, s'mores, and beer. But after looking at what the temperatures have been at night, a few of the girls decided that they wouldn't be up for trying it. So again, we are back to my basement and trying not to wake the beast (my dad). After a little thought I decided to ask Angelene if we could borrow her parents fire pit so that we wouldn't have to skip out on the weenie roasting and s'mores part of the night. Thank god we have the Enkes, because I don't know what I'd do. In the off chance that we won't be able to use the fire pit though I have a back up plan. Which includes a small charcoal grill and lighter fluid.

Even when you try to plan an event out, even if it's weeks ahead, they don't always go as planned. I'm sure my moms okay with it though, now I can return the sleeping bag I bought on her credit card. (:

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