Thursday, March 3, 2016

There's No Place like Home

If you can't guess by the title, I'M FINALLY GOING HOME! (: After 8 weeks of being in Cedar Falls I finally get to go back to the comforts of my queen sized bed. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to see my family and friends, but man I cant wait to lay on a pillow top mattress. I'm probably going to go to bed at 10 every night just to get a good nights sleep in.
Nah let's be real here, my weekends going to be jammed packed with trying to see as many people, and do as many as my favorite things as I possibly can. Luckily my buddy from worked offered to cover my work shift on Friday so I am able to leave at 2 instead of 5. On Friday i plan on meeting possibly the cutest little hedge hog ever, Oliver. And send as many pictures as possible to my mom and keep convincing my mom I need one. I have a few friends who have one and when I asked mom she said "We'll see." Which in Tammy language means that if I keep telling and showing her cute things,  its a yes.
On Saturday I have a mom and me day, were going to go to the Farmhouse Cafe. If you ever go to Omaha please eat here. They have THE BEST chicken strips ever! They bread them with potato chips, which sounds weird, but trust me when I say they are amazing! Then at 12 I have a hair appointment. Now I wanted to do something different, like changing the cut or going back to my blonde, but she's booked full so I'm okay with a touchup and a trim for now. Next time I come home we'll change it up. Finally Saturday night I'm getting sushi with some friends and head back home to watch Molly B's Polka Party with my parents. It's weird, but it's what we do when I'm back. (:
I cannot contain my excitement, and have been telling anyone who listens that I'm going home. My heart is happy. (:

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