Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Technically It's Tomorrow..

Spring Break is near and I bet you can guess that I'm pretty excited. I have never really gone on a spring break trip, well I have, but at this point Kansas City doesn't really count. This time Angelene, her mom Jean, my mom, and I are going to Atlanta, Georgia. I've actually been in Atlanta before, yes it was the airport, but it still counts...sort of. As many already know I am a Walking Dead enthusiast. I have posters on my wall, blankets of Daryl, and I mean come on, I even have a section of my blog dedicated to an episode of the walking dead each week. So this brings me to the first reason of why I'm excited to go to Atlanta, it's where it all began. Who wouldn't be excited to go to the city where their favorite show started? Facebook, be prepared for cheesy Walking Dead references.

Reason number two, I get to spend time with my roommate outside of our daily lives. And I know this is cheesy and I know how much she loves gushy lovey stuff.. ;) but spending long hours around school and homework, our only free time has been getting dinner together. It will be nice to spend time with her and not talk about how much work we have on our shoulders. It's time to relax. We will also have a bonding time over the Harry Potter movies. I've never watched all of them or read the books, and those who know Ang usually associate her with it. These past two weeks we've been watching the series from start to finish. Often times I ask Ang about what's happening and she will tell me things that were in the books and not the movies. We plan to watch the last three on our way down. (:

Reason number 3, it'll be just like the good old days. Going on a road trip with our mothers is like taking a flashback to the late 90's early 00's. They drug us everywhere. And not only were we always together, many times we were dressed alike. Maybe I can take this opportunity to convince Ang to get a matching outfit and take a picture with me. I feel like this time around it'll be more fun because Ang and I will not be in our tizzy fits like we were back then. Also this will be a trip that we can remember and actually get involved with our mothers conversations.

Reason number 4, new scenery. Everything from the ride down will be new to me. I've never traveled farther south than Branson, Missouri. I'm excited to see different fields, and forecast says it'll be rainy most of the way there, which is nothing to complain about. I LOVE rainy weather. Even the people around me will be new, well not completely new. I grew up around Kaleen a bit, but it will be fun to see her and her cute little family as I have read a lot of her blogs.

Overall spring break will be a big breath of fresh air. And as I'm writing this at midnight, I can officially say that we're leaving for Atlanta tomorrow! (:

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