Monday, April 25, 2016

A Thank You To My First Mentor Teacher

It was the first time in 14 years that I stepped foot into a kindergarten classroom. I was nervous and to top it of the beginning of the day was awful. I had been assigned to Mrs. Phillips classroom in Waterloo. At 7 in the morning I typed in the elementary school and went on my way, later I would find out that google maps had taken me into the elementary in Cedar Falls. It was my first day and I had already made an awful impression. Lucky for me Mrs. Phillips is the most understanding person I have ever met. She could tell I was nervous as I was apologizing for my tardiness, and she comforted me and helped me through my first day.

The first Monday I was there I had to introduce myself to a circle of 23 wide eyes kids. They were so entranced that there was someone new in the room. I told them my name and a few things about me. I  told them that I was in school just like them, and that I lived on a farm. As soon as the word farm left my mouth about 6 hands shot up, some didn't even raise their hands and just shouted out questions and statements. "My grandpa has a farm!", "Do you have cows?", "Do you milk your cows?", "Do you drive a tractor?!" After the questions were answered the students went on with their day. Throughout the day I was asked several times what my name was and how long I will be there. When I left at 12:30 I was excited to call my mom and tell her all about my day.

The second week the kids were just as excited as the first. A few remembered my name. and a few just remembered that I lived on a farm. The second week I was thrown in with the kids to help. This was both exciting and nerve wracking. There were several times a student had a question that I wasn't sure how to answer. Who would have thought that a kindergartener could ask a question that would stump a college sophomore, well they can, and they did several times. The third week I went the students all knew my name and started greeting me in the morning with hugs. By now it was easier to answer questions now that I knew how things worked. For one of the weeks I had to come to school on a Friday instead of a Monday and let me tell you, those kids were shocked like I had just walked in with a box of puppies. Immediately several of them asked why I was there and asked me if I will be on Friday's from now on. I knew Kindergarteners had a short attention span, but man, those kids get distracted by a fly.

Later on in the semester it had some time for me to teach my micro lesson. This lesson consisted of everything that I had learned from Mrs. Phillips about classroom management, and teaching, as well as my ability to use the skills I have learned and teach a 15 minute lesson. Mrs. Phillips gave me a few ideas for assignments that would go well with what they were learning that week and the rest was up to me. Mrs. Phillips was very kind and gave me a few words of advice before starting. She said to use a BIG commanding voice, to be confident, and that I had been doing so well with the kids thus far. I began my lesson, used my BIG voice, and the kids listened without a hitch. The lesson went so smoothly form transition into the lesson, pre lesson, the worksheet, and the final transition.

Bottom line is that I wouldn't have been able to do it without Mrs. Philips as my mentor. She showed me what it takes to be a teacher and the good and bad of being one. She gave me confidence when I was nervous, and gave me advice when I was unsure. She never batted an eyelash when I had questions and made sure that I got a full experience. I will always look back on her words of wisdom and will never forget my first class and my first little kiddos.

Thank you.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Let Me Tell You 'Bout My Best Friend

Friendships are one thing I take very seriously. I've never really had a relationship with a boyfriend so I spend most of my free time with my friends. When I was younger I would even put extra effort into friendship that were quite small and wouldn't make it past high school, but I did that because I would rather have a lot of little friendships than none at all. After high school I was surprised with some of the friends that I have kept. Some of them were the small friendships that grew as we did, and some dwindled, but we still check up on each other every few months. There are about 3 that I have kept strong through it all.

One of which is my roommate Ang. Our mothers tried to force us to be friends when we were younger and it pretty much blew up in their faces when we ended up constantly fighting. We were both the babies, and because of that we were queen bees of our own homes. What happens when you get two spoiled queens together? Pulled hair, names called, tears shed, and a box of brownies smashed over a head. Looking back today, it gives us a few good laughs. It wasn't until high school that we actually began to act civil and like each other. I'm a school year older so when I went off to school in Wayne we found ourselves texting one another, and lots of snapchats. The weekends home were spent playing sims next to each other, not talking much but just being there was enough. When I decided to switch schools she pretty much bullied me into being her roommate, texting me weekly if I got accepted, and not taking no for an answer. So here we are today, we still annoy each other just like any two sisters would, and there has yet to be another brownie box smashing, but we still have three more years.

Another friend I have kept around was Karli. She and I are completely polar opposites, and sometimes I wonder how the heck have we stayed this close? But trust me it works. There have been a few conflicts because we were so different, like in foods class and we had to make a casserole together. Karli wanted a spicy casserole and I wanted one that was not, and us both being too stubborn to give in (one thing we have in common). We  ended up compromising, with the help of our teacher and made a casserole that was half and half. And if were being honest here, I should have listened to Karli because me side was AWFUL. Growing up we have always known each other, started kindergarten together and graduated high school together. It wasn't until junior high that we had become close. We worked on a FCCLA project and actually made it to state where we got a silver metal (the only metal I have EVER gotten). It was a lot of fun to do that with her and we got a couple good memories out of it. Like the time my mom picked us up to take us to the library and started driving with Karli half in the car. We still make fun of her for that(: We have had a couple arguments and a fist fight or too, or maybe I should call it Karli coming at me and I running away like the wimp I am, but we have stayed together through it all. Today she lives in Altoona and I'm in Cedar Falls, but we make it work with constant snapchats and a funny picture text here and there, and weekends spent at home and getting sushi. It's all a build up to her coming to Cedar Falls in the fall and Karli, Ang, and I living a block away from each other. I seriously CANNOT WAIT!

Last but not least theres Kasie. Now her and I's relationship was a little different. We have had what you can call a friend-enemy friendship. Kasie and I also have always known about each other, like Karli, we started kindergarten together and graduated together. In elementary my mom opened a photography studio in Avoca so often times after school I would go looking for someone to play with. Kasie often times would be the lucky one that got stuck with me for a few hours. We would spend our time going to the Dollar General in town, buying some candy and going to the library. I don't quite remember what had caused us to hate each other, but it happened. Kasie was a lot smarter than I was, mostly because I had my head in the clouds and a finger in my nose not knowing whats going on around me. One memory I will never forget was in 6th grade Kasie had convinced me that calling someone a "douche bag" was the same as a "goofball." Safe to say I learned the hard way they are not the same. The whole day I had been calling people a douche bag left and right, and because of it I got a call to the parents and no TV for two weeks (I'm still a little salty about it). There was also an event during the Homecoming parade in 6th grade. We were watching the parade and I probably said something rude to Kasie so she ended up tackling me, and in return I gave her lice from the tackling. So pretty much we full blown hated each other until Freshman year. It was when I had been going through a hard time with another girl in the friend group. She had been making rumors about me and because of it no one would talk to me, not even to tell me what I did wrong. I was blindsided. I ended up crying to Kasie in the locker room during PE and asked her what I did wrong. She put her hands on my shoulders and told me "I see what --- is doing, I know you didn't do anything." and that is how Kasie and I became friends again, and have been friends ever since. Today Kasie lives in Indianola and we are not very good at communicating, but or friendship is still strong. Our friendship is one of the good ones, where we do not talk a lot, but our love for each other does not change. We can go weeks without a text and then have a long skype call and nothing between us has changed. Together Kasie, Karli, and I are the three musketeers and that's something I hope will never change.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

"Those Days"

8 years ago I was a lame kid in junior high that kept to myself. I talked to my family and a select three friends but mostly I kept my thoughts in my head. I didn't know what I liked and my mom still picked my clothes out for me. My go to hair style was a messy bun or just brushed and the makeup I owned consisted of a fake camera that had eyeshadow, blush, and lipgloss in different slots. I listened to Justin Bieber and whatever anyone around me was listening to. I loved my cat so much I tortured her by wrapping her up in a blanket so tight she couldn't move and made her sit on my lap. My weekends consisted of playing sims more than I'd like to admit. Back then sims 2 was the thing to be playing. Even though I was 12+ I was still too scared to stay home by myself at night and my cousins had to babysit me while my mom was taking pictures at weddings. I didn't try in class and in response I would often be grounded from the TV and internet for 2-3 weeks at a time, which usually only lasted a week because my parents would forget or I would sneak TV in while they were asleep. Needless to say I was an awkward kid, but I was happy.

5 years ago I was 14 and started my Freshman year of high school. I had made a group of friends different from the rest of the kids at school. You could say they were a "darker" crowd. I still hold 2 of them close to my heart today. I never regretted the friends I made, only the arguments we had. I still didn't try in school and with the addition of a cell phone the punishments for bade grades turned into the phone being taken away. At this point I was getting sneaky and took the letters from the mailbox before my parents could see them in order to avoid trouble. I think I hid over 7 letters total. I would dress in only t-shirts from hot topic and wear makeup that looked like a fat crayon went around my eyes ten times. My hair was either black, bright red, or some other absurd color. I went to concerts, specifically warped tour, and listened to all the alternative bands you can think of. And yes, I even had the haircut. A friend referred to me as "the happiest emo kid in the school".

2 years ago I started to learn who I was as a person. I was a senior in high school and a "manager" (water girl) on the football team. I didn't have black hair, and I wore whatever I felt like at the time, whether it be a t-shirt or a nice shirt with an a-line skirt. I listened to whatever I felt like that day and I went to country concerts with my mom. I talked to as many people as possible and never wanted to be alone so I made friends with anyone I could. My grades weren't the best, but they were better. I was the happiest I had been in high school.

Today I am in my second year of college. Grades still don't come easy but I try, and I don't get grounded anymore. I still listen to Justin Bieber and I still have all those bands on my iTunes. I still go to country concerts with my mom and I still go to the alternative concerts. I'm not scared to stay at home by myself but I am still scared of being alone. I still talk to most of the friends I made in high school, and I've added a few more to my list of good ones since going to college. I have cat named Wayne and plan on getting more as I grow older. I've gotten better at makeup and I still have a few of my favorite band tees. I still keep up with how the football team is doing and I look back at pictures and smile. I still try to make as many friends as possible and I'm still an awkward kid. And I'm still happy.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Three Weeks, Three Tests

I'm back from break and let me tell you, it's just one big tease for summer. I have had the hardest time focusing on my work and getting back into the swing of things. And to top it off these last few weeks have been the most stressful thus far. They have been a test of patience, faith, and just straight up tests in class. I haven't been writing lately and honestly it's life catching up to me. Most of my classes are alright, except for two.

One of them I have a teacher who I struggle to understand. The grade she has given me on a big project does not seem fair. I'm not going to go into the details of it, but I am going in tomorrow to talk to her about why she thought I did so horribly. I literally need half a point to bring the grade up to good standing.
               - Test of Patience 

Easter came and went and it was all good. It was fun to see the family and talk with everyone. Megan is not only my cousin but one of my closest friends I can talk to, especially about everything Jesus. After lunch Megan and I took a walk to Grandpa's grave. On this walk we talked about him, the future, and Jesus. We talked about where we are going to church and what we think of them. Talking to her I came to the realization that I am not getting what I need out the church I am attending. And don't get me wrong. I LOVE salt. I love the people, the worship, and the messages in general. Salt is just not the right fit for me. Their messages often cover things that we need to do to improve as Christians, or things that we may be doing wrong. Most days this is what I need to give me a kick in the butt to get back on track but lately this hasn't been helping. If anything it is making me feel like an awful Christian. I feel that right now I need not to be told I'm doing something wrong, but to be told it's okay to make mistakes. I need to be encouraged to better, not to be torn down for yet another thing I'm doing wrong. As of now I do not go to church regularly, but I continue to pray that God will lead me to where I need to go. 
             - Test of Faith

Tests have been stressing me out hardcore. the first test I took was over a week ago. I went into the classroom feeling halfway confident I would do okay, but was quickly shut down when I struggled to find answers. I have now waited over a week for the teacher to grade them and post the results online. The longer I wait the more nervous I get that it will be brutal. Everyday I refresh the page in the morning, during lunch, and before I go to bed. Also to top off test anxiety, I was blindsided with a test in my Humanities class. Monday night I started to feel an awful cold coming on and on Tuesday morning I couldn't hardly stand up from the headache. I decided to ignore Ang poking at me and sleep in for my first two classes since neither of them take attendance.  For my third class I decided to go since attendance is actually a part of the grade and good thing I did because it was test day. I'm not kidding when I say I had no clue we had a test. We didn't have class the Thursday before because it was a "review" day, which the teacher does at the end of every unit, so being the true blonde that I am didn't think anything of it and thought we had another unit before the test. Nope. And to top off me feeling dumb enough I got some dirty looks from kids who already think I'm incompetent. I could actually consider this another test of faith because man, I was praying hard the whole time I took the test. 
              - Tests in General 

*Lord please have mercy on my GPA this semester.