Thursday, April 21, 2016

Let Me Tell You 'Bout My Best Friend

Friendships are one thing I take very seriously. I've never really had a relationship with a boyfriend so I spend most of my free time with my friends. When I was younger I would even put extra effort into friendship that were quite small and wouldn't make it past high school, but I did that because I would rather have a lot of little friendships than none at all. After high school I was surprised with some of the friends that I have kept. Some of them were the small friendships that grew as we did, and some dwindled, but we still check up on each other every few months. There are about 3 that I have kept strong through it all.

One of which is my roommate Ang. Our mothers tried to force us to be friends when we were younger and it pretty much blew up in their faces when we ended up constantly fighting. We were both the babies, and because of that we were queen bees of our own homes. What happens when you get two spoiled queens together? Pulled hair, names called, tears shed, and a box of brownies smashed over a head. Looking back today, it gives us a few good laughs. It wasn't until high school that we actually began to act civil and like each other. I'm a school year older so when I went off to school in Wayne we found ourselves texting one another, and lots of snapchats. The weekends home were spent playing sims next to each other, not talking much but just being there was enough. When I decided to switch schools she pretty much bullied me into being her roommate, texting me weekly if I got accepted, and not taking no for an answer. So here we are today, we still annoy each other just like any two sisters would, and there has yet to be another brownie box smashing, but we still have three more years.

Another friend I have kept around was Karli. She and I are completely polar opposites, and sometimes I wonder how the heck have we stayed this close? But trust me it works. There have been a few conflicts because we were so different, like in foods class and we had to make a casserole together. Karli wanted a spicy casserole and I wanted one that was not, and us both being too stubborn to give in (one thing we have in common). We  ended up compromising, with the help of our teacher and made a casserole that was half and half. And if were being honest here, I should have listened to Karli because me side was AWFUL. Growing up we have always known each other, started kindergarten together and graduated high school together. It wasn't until junior high that we had become close. We worked on a FCCLA project and actually made it to state where we got a silver metal (the only metal I have EVER gotten). It was a lot of fun to do that with her and we got a couple good memories out of it. Like the time my mom picked us up to take us to the library and started driving with Karli half in the car. We still make fun of her for that(: We have had a couple arguments and a fist fight or too, or maybe I should call it Karli coming at me and I running away like the wimp I am, but we have stayed together through it all. Today she lives in Altoona and I'm in Cedar Falls, but we make it work with constant snapchats and a funny picture text here and there, and weekends spent at home and getting sushi. It's all a build up to her coming to Cedar Falls in the fall and Karli, Ang, and I living a block away from each other. I seriously CANNOT WAIT!

Last but not least theres Kasie. Now her and I's relationship was a little different. We have had what you can call a friend-enemy friendship. Kasie and I also have always known about each other, like Karli, we started kindergarten together and graduated together. In elementary my mom opened a photography studio in Avoca so often times after school I would go looking for someone to play with. Kasie often times would be the lucky one that got stuck with me for a few hours. We would spend our time going to the Dollar General in town, buying some candy and going to the library. I don't quite remember what had caused us to hate each other, but it happened. Kasie was a lot smarter than I was, mostly because I had my head in the clouds and a finger in my nose not knowing whats going on around me. One memory I will never forget was in 6th grade Kasie had convinced me that calling someone a "douche bag" was the same as a "goofball." Safe to say I learned the hard way they are not the same. The whole day I had been calling people a douche bag left and right, and because of it I got a call to the parents and no TV for two weeks (I'm still a little salty about it). There was also an event during the Homecoming parade in 6th grade. We were watching the parade and I probably said something rude to Kasie so she ended up tackling me, and in return I gave her lice from the tackling. So pretty much we full blown hated each other until Freshman year. It was when I had been going through a hard time with another girl in the friend group. She had been making rumors about me and because of it no one would talk to me, not even to tell me what I did wrong. I was blindsided. I ended up crying to Kasie in the locker room during PE and asked her what I did wrong. She put her hands on my shoulders and told me "I see what --- is doing, I know you didn't do anything." and that is how Kasie and I became friends again, and have been friends ever since. Today Kasie lives in Indianola and we are not very good at communicating, but or friendship is still strong. Our friendship is one of the good ones, where we do not talk a lot, but our love for each other does not change. We can go weeks without a text and then have a long skype call and nothing between us has changed. Together Kasie, Karli, and I are the three musketeers and that's something I hope will never change.

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