Wednesday, May 11, 2016

It's Beginning to Feel a lot like Summer

Sophomore year is in the books and let me tell you I have never been more ready for summer break. It is now the first week of summer break and so far the days have been filled with Netflix, long showers with no shoes, and sleeping in til noon. Well I slept in til noon during school too, but there's something more satisfying about waking up and not going to class. Getting home from break was a little hectic. Originally the plan was to have Ang and my parents come up Thursday afternoon and pack us up to go, but rain just had to get in the way. It had been raining multiple times prior to our move out date and due to our dad's both being farmers they had to stay back so they could get into the field. Our mom's being the kind souls that they are decided to come up just the two of them to help us move out, but that too did not happen. Ang's new little nephew just could not wait to see the world and caused our moms to stay back for the delivery. It was Wednesday night, and we still didn't know if we were moving out Thursday or Friday. It wasn't until Thursday morning that our parents told us that our mom's would be staying back for the baby and that Ang's dad would come up with the van to load all the big things and haul them back as quick as possible. Later into lunch we learned that Ang was an aunt once again, and we couldn't wait to get home.

The first three days hoe were spent even busier than finals week. Friday mom woke me up before noon (it's harder than you think), and together we went on a shopping day. We at lunch at my absolute favorite restaurant and went to the small to find some cute summer outfits and dresses to wear to upcoming wedding we would be photographing. When we were finished shopping mom dropped me off at my friend Mollie's house. It was so refreshing to see her again. She is someone who can literally make you smile, and she's great to have deep meaningful conversations with. Later on Karli joined us along with Mollie's friend Ben and out for sushi we went! The old market was another great place to be back in once again. My goal this summer is to get someone to go on a horse carriage ride with me. Karli was so kind as to give me a ride home and we had a great conversation, she is another one I can always talk to. (:

Saturday marked the first wedding of the summer. I seriously have no idea how my mom does it. I like taking pictures and all, but I do not have the creative mind, or the patience to get everyone together and posed. My favorite part is when my mom tells me to go take detail shots. For those of you not in the photography world, detail shots are pictures of the little details of the wedding. Detail shots can range anywhere from rings to flowers, or shoes to programs. This time the couple had a really cute ring box that looked like a little tree stump that held both rings, and i got some pretty neat photos with it if I do say so myself. Really the only parts about photographing wedding I don't like are the ceremonies and the receptions. For ceremonies I have the older camera so I cannot zoom in well, also I am usually positioned at the back, or the balcony of the church and don't take many pictures. Mom always tells me to just get the main shots: the kids, the bride, the kiss. Receptions usually are just as boring as the ceremony. We literally sit and watch people eat for an hour, maybe more. There are no pictures you can take while people eat. Luckily for me, my mom was kind enough to let me leave early for a friends graduation party the next town over. There I was able to see friends I haven't seen in forever, eat cake, and most importantly play with a hedgehog. Chels brought her hedge hog to her party and he was almost more popular than her. Afterwards I was able to see her new apartment and hangout with her and her sister a bit before heading home for the night.

Sunday I had to once again wake up before noon and I was getting sick of it. This time though, was to make some money. I will not be getting paid for the weddings this summer as mom helped me pay for my laptop after spilling water on my other one and this is how I can pay her back. Sunday was also my first day back at Wings since January. Being gone that long I definitely missed a few things. One of them was the new manager, he isn't bad, but he is the same age as me. In fact we graduated together. Now there's nothing wrong with this, except for it was a little different to think that someone who I always saw as equal is now my boss. It was also mother's day so we were expecting it to be busy and it was, but that was good because I was hoping to make enough money to take my mom out for the night. I made enough to take my mom out to one of our favorite fancier restaurants, Ruby Tuesdays, and the new movie "Mother's Day". What a fitting title. She loved it and I topped off the night with a typical mom post on Facebook.

Monday and Tuesday were my first two days to relax and I was taking advantage of it. Mom was in South Dakota and these were the days I was able to sleep until noon and do nothing but watch Netflix and relax. Tuesday I actually took a shower and got into a clean set of jammies. I also hit a new record on Netflix, it asked me FOUR times if I was still watching. Wednesday was another relaxed day and I went to the grocery store to get some healthy food, that right I'm (trying) to diet, again. Dinner I met up with Ang and a few other friends and ate at a local restaurant, After dinner I was able to meet her new little nephew and head home. And here I am now, 1 AM and still too scared to go to sleep. Dad plays cards on Wednesday's and usually stays out pretty late, which is usually okay because mom would be here, but she isn't. I don't know what it is about the dark but I have some kind of phobia of being by myself at night. I'm fine as long as someone is in the house too but without someone there I am paranoid. So currently I have all the lights on, all the blinds shut, and the tv on. I also texted a few friends to see if they can spend the night but I assume they are sleeping. So to calm my nerves I decided to catch up on my writing. Dad should be here soon and I should be going to bed soon so I will have enough energy for the Luke Bryan concert tomorrow.

Until next time.

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