Thursday, June 2, 2016


June is the first official month of summer. It's the month of my mom's birthday, the pool opens, and it's the 1 month this summer where I have absolutely nothing planned. I don't plan to go anywhere, and it's supposed to  be my relaxing month, key words "supposed to". Even when I have a full month set aside to do whatever my heart wants my mind cannot seem to settle. I have two jobs this summer so this helps me keep my mind off things but the (very few) days I have off I can't help but to feel the need to fill the days with as many friends as possible. To me the summer is time to rekindle friendships put on hold, but during the school year I had decided to let the small flames die out and focus on the ones I am closest too. This is hard because the days where most of my other friends are busy and I have money burning a hole in my pocket, all I want to do is call up anyone to go out. I am teaching myself that it is okay to sit at home and do nothing for a while. So far on my days off I have learned two new songs on the uke, painted three pictures, two over done sketches, played hours of sims, played GTA V and tried not to hit a single thing (the rule is I have to restart a mission if I wreck) and caught up on most of my Netflix. Summer is meant to be about relaxing, and yet I find myself pulling my hair at the mindlessness of sitting at home. I didn't think I'd say it this early but I am ready for the scheduled days and the monotony of college life.

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