Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Snow Days are Good for the Soul

You have no idea how much joy I had in my heart when I looked at my email this morning and saw that we had no school. Being in college, snow days are almost unheard of. In my time at Wayne I didn't have a single snow day. Well, I should say school never called a snow day, there were far too many times when I stayed cozy in my bed and watched the brave souls trudge to class.

To celebrate the snow, Angelene and I spent most of our day watching netflix. I am on another Ghost Adventures kick. I know it's lame and a little weird and controversial that I, a proud follower of Jesus, watch these kind of shows, but they always catch my interest. It's the adrenaline and excitement I can feel when I watch it, and lets be honest, Zak Bagans is not hard to look at (;

Later in the day Ang and I talked about how our room set up blocks the sunlight out of our room and makes it look darker than it actually is. This is when Ang looked at me and said the most beautiful words I have heard all year, "Do you want to rearrange?" OH MY LORD, this is my favorite thing to do! At home my room is very rarely the same. At Wayne I annoyed my roommate with how much a rearranged my side of the room. I'm also pretty sure that my neighbors below hated me. Ang and I made our game plan on how we wanted the room to look and went into Krista and Ryleigh's room to see if they weren't busy to see if they could help. There we met one of Ryleigh's new friends and had an impromptu game of Mario Monopoly. Angelene and I are used the Mario world as we play our wii regularly, Ryleigh, not so much. Half way through the game Ryleigh asks, "Is this Mario Kart?" which lead to the three of us dying laughing. After we finished Monopoly we went into our room to move things around. Ryleigh's friend decided to stick around and help which is a LIVE SAVER. It's a little easier with four people instead of two.

Ang and I both love our new set up. Instead of my bed being underneath hers, she has her desk, and my bed on the other side of the room with my desk at the foot of my bed and the futon between both beds. I put up my two posters in a different spot and went to target to buy a third. The first two posters are of supernatural, with Sam, Dean, and Cas, and the other of The Walking Dead with my future husband Daryl. The third poster is a mashup of inspirational/motivational quotes and sayings, because Lord knows I need motivation to get out of bed some days. You could say this snow day was very relaxing, exciting, and refreshing.

Now fingers crossed school is canceled tomorrow too.

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