Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Water and Technology Do Not Mix

Today has been...eventful, and not the good kind. I started my day with hitting the snooze button a few too many times and accidentally slept through the time I was supposed to pick up a friend from class (sorry Kirsta). Since I was running late I decided to eat lunch in my room and work on the homework assignment that was due at 1. Needless to say I never finished my homework. As I reached for my cup of water it hit the side of the soup and all of the water went right on top of my laptop. All. Of. It. In a panic I picked up my laptop and shook it upside down to drain the water out, then grabbed a towel and tried to wipe out as much as I possibly could. After getting all that I could out of the laptop I laid a towel down on my bed and set the computer upside down on top of it. Next I put out all the pictures that got wet on my desk and set the fan to blow on the laptop and pictures.

After assessing the damage I frantically called my mom. The first few words I said were, "you cannot be mad, you did this before." 5 years ago mom spilt a bowl of cereal on her laptop, and unfortunately  could not save it. I bawled my eyes out to my mom and asked her what to do. She told me to try to take it the Geek Squad at Best Buy and see what they could do. So I dropped Krista off at class, decided to skip, and dragged my roommate across town with me to try and save myself from this horrible day. At Best Buy the employee basically told me that water damage is not good, and I would have to pay 35$ to send my laptop away, and IF they could fix it, it would cost at least 700$. In the end it would be cheaper to purchase a new laptop. After looking at the prices I called my mom and told her the news. Ang and I went to lunch and I borrowed her laptop to research prices and talk to my mom about what to do. After Ang got back from choir, I dragged her out once again and went back to Best Buy, paid 962$ for a new laptop, and went back home with my tail between my legs. After we got home we went to the union because we both had group projects to work on. When we were done, she went to work and stayed in the room to check out my laptop. For some reason I decided to try to turn it on once again. And. It. Worked. Right now every part of my laptop works fine and normally.

So here I am, sitting in my room, with one fully functional laptop in front of a fan, and typing my frustration out on another. Let's hope my luck doesn't carry over to my two tests tomorrow.

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